Oliv' Tour Mini Golf Cabrières Oliveraie pédagogique

Which mill to choose?

Manufacturing of your oil: Which mill to choose?


Since the 2019 campaign, the OIL MILL NICOLAS is composed of 2 addresses to serve you better:


quel moulin choisir

105 Allée Sergius Respectus
30300 Beaucaire
Phone 04 66 18 20 10

quel moulin choisir

1 chemin des romains
30210 Cabrières
Phone 04 66 72 20 45

The 2 mills are not equipped with the same tools and therefore will not work the same way.


In Beaucaire: Nothing changes:


– 1 Extraction chain of 2 tons of olives per hour for big batches and presses in common;

– 1 Extraction chain of 200 kg of olives per hour for the personnal batches starting at 80 kg of olives.


The possible methods of extraction:

– Common press starting at 10 kg of olives;

– Personnal press starting at 80 kg of olives.


In Cabrières:

1 Extraction chain with a great capacity of 6 tons of olives per hour which cannot treat small batches

The possible methods of extraction:

– Press in common starting at 10 kg of olives;

– Personnal press starting at 300 kg of olives.


The customers can choose their mill depending of the distance and of the type of intake that they have, however, the mill where they bring the olives will be also the one where they will retrieve their oil.


Your olive oil in 5 steps :

Step 1: Bring your olives

Step 2: Choose your type of press

Step 3: Choose your packaging

Step 4: Choose your personalized labelling

Step 5: Preserve well your olive oil